Content Warnings:
Suicidal Ideation and Behaviors; Self-Harm; Drug/Alcohol Use; Racism; Mentions of Violence/Aggression; Language

Survivor Messages

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David Martinez, Winnemem Wintu Tribal Member

“I can tell you, if you’re thinking of suicide: reach out. Talk to somebody. Pick up that phone and talk to the suicide hotline. If you’re a man, reach out. I know it’s a scary world out there, especially for those of us that are the providers, that our world is going to end.  We can ask for confidentiality. We need to have our voice heard.”

“If you have somebody in your life out there, a loved one or a friend who has talked to you about suicide, listen. Listen intently.”

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Sheri Morgan, Community Member

“What was in my mind about wanting to die was, I just wanted the pain to go away”. 

“I don’t know if this is the right way to say this, but it helped knowing other people were in the same boat that I was in. That was really important. They were getting better so I thought, ‘Well, maybe I can get better’.”

* Please note, the following video does not reflect the correct spelling of Sheri’s name. Additionally, the sound cuts out from approximately 6:40 to 7:20 minutes during the video.

Share Your Message of Hope

Whether you have lost someone to suicide, battled with a mental health issue, considered suicide or even survived an attempt, you can offer hope and a sense of connection to others who are suffering. Messages of hope can be shared through any medium—music, poetry, painting, sculpture, photography, and more.

Interested in becoming an advocate? Consider taking the FREE Becoming Brave training. It can help you craft a meaningful message of hope using your personal experiences.